Tuesday, June 9, 2009

And off we go!

What do you call this color?
And what's with the bush covering half of the front?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Off to snap photos!

Today starts day one of my "What the hell were you thinking" when you painted your house? blog. I need to start by giving credit for my blog address and name to my friend Sean E. We went to grammar school and high school together, and he submitted a few ideas when I was stumped for a name. I look forward to him possibly providing me with some more daily blog titles! I will definitely give credit where credit is due!.
I decided to start a new blog only because I was bored with my "Just a Small Town Girl" blog. I don't feel like I have a lot of exciting or interesting things to post on there. Another reason that inspired me were some of the blogs that I follow:

...a blog that has photo submissions from everywhere related to people who can't park;

... a blog that has not been updated since December but is still funny;

...a blog that if you are not checking out everyday, you SHOULD be; and

...a blog full of crazy, annoying, and often confusing vanity license plates.

I surfed the net a little to find ugly paint jobs, and I could not really find a blog that was ONLY about houses that are painted horridly!

Sooooo with that...here I go! Hopefully this weekend I can get some pictures snapped and uploaded on here.

I also encourage you, my blogosphere friends, to submit your photos to me!!!! I'm looking to go everywhere with this! Photos can be emailed to beancounterincali@sbcglobal.net. At the most, state the city, town, or state that the photo was snapped in!

I look forward to hearing from you!